About me

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I am a ninth generation high priestess witch. I was born with the ability to help people obtain the life that they desire. My soul purpose and goal In life is to help those of you out there searching for the answer’s to a better life, solve your problems, and help you succeed in your journey to happiness.

I was born into a family of witches, warlocks, and Psychics. In a different day and age, you would have called us spiritual healers or energy practitioners.

My name Is Samantha. In this life I have been called many things… Wife, Mother, Daughter, and Friend. While I am proud to be all of those things I am also extremely proud to be a Witch! My abilities and gifts allow me the joy of helping people all over the world but my business currently resides In the city of Los Angeles.

Around the age of five years old, I started to notice my abilities and talents to manifest and control energy. My gifts allow me to work with and for the universe. I practice white magic and hold myself to a standard of working with the natural flow of the energy In the world. Along with many other things I specialize In helping people with their careers and love life. My intention Is to connect with you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. With my help, you will reach a place of power and positivity in all aspects of life. Not only will I help you gain control over all that is going wrong,

I will also guide you and provide you with an abundant and peaceful life. I have been a professional witchcraft practitioner for over fifteen years. I have studied all spirituality, religion, and psychology of relationships. This has allowed me to become an expert in my field allowing me the opportunity to provide you with the best possible witchcraft services and life guidance possible. I spent many years learning and perfecting my abilities. I’ve become extremely in tune with my intuition and spirit guides.

During the process, I communicate with my client’s spirit guides to help keep them on the right path in life. I have studied many forms of spiritual healing. I have taken courses in reiki, balancing chakras and have become an expert in crystal healing. All of these avenues have allowed me to provide a tier-one service for my clients. I work In a coven made up of 28 men, and women. I am highly skilled in the art of meditation and most importantly, I love what I do. I look forward to speaking with you and helping you not only gain clarity, but to help you take control of your life

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